Jeraw Harris aka Ken Njeru is a Kenyan based writer, producer and rapper. The Buruburu raised act has made notable moves in the Music business right from 2011, with tracks like "Live it up", "KamTujinice", "Next one", & "I like what I see".
"Live it up" made the greatest significance for the artist in 2012, the video having being the first motion picture music soundtrack video in East Africa. The video, shot in jeraw's Neighborhood in Buruburu had inter-cuts from Nairobi Half Life, which is Kenyan’s most successful film to date and first film ever to be submitted for Oscar consideration by the Kenya film Board.By December 2012, he had made the top 10 freshmen for the class of 2012. Get Mziki an online magazine that covers Urban African Music rated him top ten Hip hop Freshmen of 2012.